blades of glory:
watched in vegas with dustin -
sooo silly but a pretty good movie, i would give it 11 out of 15 stars (thats my personal rating scale, 15 stars is the BEST)...
the 2 funniest parts: the scene with the horse shampoo, the scene with the first routine in the competition. i love that amy poehler was in this movie! she rocks.
a good woman:
watched last week by myself at home -
this movie started out boring, the only reason i wanted to watch it was because i love scarlett. she's such a good actress (except in that STUPID movie where scarlett's character dates her father's boss...i had to shut that movie off it was so boring and i can't even remember the name, go look it up on IMBD if you care).
but back to scarlett in "a good woman", this movie is pleasantly short, but the plot is very good in the end, i totally didn't predict any of it. 12 out of 15 stars.
the squid and the whale:
watched at home with dustin last week -
this movie deals with a very realistic situation involving a family going through separation. the actors in this movie are amazing. the older son reminds me so much of my friend joal from calgary. there are a few scenes that are kind of "uncomfortable" involving the younger son and masturbation, and you wonder what kind of kid would be brave enough to act in that way for the world to see...admirable young actor. there's this guy in the movie who says "Brotha" in EVERY SENTENCE HE USES, and it sounds like it would be annoying after a while but to be honest, i couldn't stop laughing every time he said it because he sounded like such a dork. the movie is quite scandalous but it was phenomenal at the same time. go rent it, 13.5/15 stars.
the holiday:
watched at work with 2 co-workers 2 days ago
okay. where to start. this movie was pretty much exactly what i expected it to be, pretty lame-ass, but had a few redeeming (for the moment) parts. the main thing that made this movie suck was how unrealistic it was, people in this day and age DO NOT trust each other to the extent shown by the characters in this movie. maybe in mayberry with andy griffith you would have this sort of trust between strangers, but not in 2007 Los Angeles! seriously, would you let a complete stranger whom you've "instant messaged" once, live in your home without you there, for 2 weeks? God no! and another thing that was annoying was that commentator who was often speaking in cameron diaz' thoughts...that was lame. and the fact that sophie and olivia have their own call display on jude law's characters cell phone, ummmm....yah what child under the age of 7 has their own phone number? and jack black as a love interest? he is not exactly a stud...but the decision of him being cast for that role was made apparant when he has the singing in the blockbuster scene. some of the momentarily redeeming parts: when cameron diaz is dancing and singing to the "mr. brightside" brought back memories of my favorite scene from "my best friends wedding", when cameron diaz sings at the kareoke bar...and any moment in any lame movie that brings back that memory ...i will dub a redeeming moment. and sophie and olivia were honestly some of the sweetest little girls i've ever seen, i hope they are in upcoming GOOD movies, because they are both adorable little actresses. the napkin head moment is pretty funny too. so yah, ummmmm....6/15 stars.
tenacious D and the pick of destiny:
watched last night with dustin -
"a long ass fuckin' time a town called Kickapoo..." i cannot for the life of me get that song out of my head...
just the fact that a whole scene was dedicated to a sasquatch made this movie worth watching.
although this movie has a lot of "fucks" and refers to the cock on many is so silly, i laughed out loud so many times. when jack black falls asleep crying on the park bench, oh man. and the scene where jack black is just about to jump into the air vent, i love the song...and the interruption...
and when the large man with one leg is threatening jack and kyle....awesomes in the house.
so if you feel like wasting some time and laughing for a while, go watch it. ummmmm 12/15 stars.
if you've seen these movies and have your own opinions, please express!
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