Did you know, Las Vegas means "The Meadows"?? that is beautiful!
Las Vegas last week with the fam was great fun. it was so nice to get out of stinky winnipeg for a week!
Las Vegas last week with the fam was great fun. it was so nice to get out of stinky winnipeg for a week!
so we arrived and the first two days were insanely windy & therefore quite chilly for desert weather! and the warm pool at the hotel was closed, that was not awesome.
but man did i ever eat a lot of food in Vegas. the best buffet was the Alladion hotels, "Spice Market buffet"....(thanks jules & aaron!) and there was such yummy seafood there, like 3 kinds of shrimp, then popcorn shrimp too, then crab legs, and lobster pasta.....yum yum yum .
we did a lot of touristy- walk around hotel lobbies - etc, but everything was beautiful.
marcie, aaron, dustin and i went on a LONG "mob tour" and basically got the special features on the casino movie special edition DVD repeated to us, while riding in the back bench of a 15 passenger van, the kind kiros travels around in, and the kind i rode when i was in youth group going for a night of glow-bowling or something. but the tour was pretty sweet.
then we went to see "MAMA MIA" which was a cheesy musical with all ABBA songs. hahah it was funny, the music was so loud and at the end this guy's pants were so tight he was ready to burst. and it was funny because mom sneezed REALLY loud, like a typical loud Rohr sneeze, right at a very quite, serious part of the show. all of us were holding back major laugh attacks at that point, i'm quite sure of it!
we got to go on THE PRICE IS RIGHT...simulated vegas style game show, and mama got to be a contestant on contestants row, but she over-bid on the blender by $5 dollars, so she didn't get to play Plinko. well, she was bidding in Canadian dollars, hello! She should have won! hehe
we even got to see the simpsons house, on red bark lane, hehehe, and the lady across the street seemed to have no clue why we were taking pictures in front of the house, does she not know she lives across the street from the real simpsons house!?!? d'uh!!!!
and jeremy got the sweetest gifts for his girlfriend, she's a lucky girl. and marcie had to leave early because she had an exam or something stinky. i only got like 1 day with marcie!! but it was her day!! she called the shots. it was fun.
dustin and i got two nights for ourselves at the Alladin hotel, which was a beautiful hotel room with a great view of the Strip and the pool deck for the hotel. i spent a bunch of hours just soaking up sun on the pool deck, and watching a cute little spanish baby try to swim in his chubby mama's grip at the pool. then a wasp came and tried to eat my sunglasses and i got pissed off and went inside.
our last night at the hotel i was feeling lucky and wanted to do some gambling, julie said she won $30 on roulette so i wanted to try it out. unfortunately i ate too much food that evening, practically gorging myself on shrimp and i had a sore stomach, so there was no gambling in store for me that night.
the next morning at the airport, 5: fricking 45 in the morning, with another hour wait till we boarded our plane, i decided out of boredom to play a dollar in the airport slot machine. surprise surprise, 2 minutes later i had won $120 crisp american dollars...dustini was smart and convinced me to stop while i was ahead because now i could say that "I BEAT VEGAS".
then on the plane home, i was watching someone sip their coffee, and i was thinking, how awful would it be to spill your drink on your lap on the plane, when you have like 10 hours of travelling ahead of you.....and then like the dork i am, i ended up accidently spilling my apple juice all over dustin's leg and brand new shoe.
we had a long trip home, stopping in vancouver and edmonton...and basically we were so beat by the time we reached winnipeg, we took a sweet-ass pimped out limo with stars in the roof...all the way home to little apartment....it was quite the end to a long day.
enjoy the pictures!
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